Miami Beach Bandshell Steel Pulse – Miami Beach Bandshell

Steel Pulse

Bearing witness to the accelerating negativity of global affairs, Steel Pulse emerges with musical vengeance to halt the disarray of humanity. The bands twelfth studio production, titled Mass Manipulation (Rootfire Cooperative), reflects four decades committed to bettering mankind through music. Steel Pulse continues to be revolutionary in engaging controversial topics of racial injustice and human rights on a global scale. Their musical stance and conceptualizations are as potent and relevant today as they were at the beginning of their career. The album’s uniquely thematic approach provokes thought as it presses forward, toward humanities unification. A manipulation of our minds has been influenced by a New World Order currently dominating humankind. Steel Pulse reappears at a fated moment, armed with compassion, encouraging all people to reject false ideals, set higher goals, and demand more from themselves to further this unification. Lead singer and guitarist, David Hinds’ creativity, human persona, and visionary views are revealed through inspiring compositions that capture the effects of the African Diaspora. These songs weave and interlock with each other, enticing all to stand together and unite.

Show time

7:00 PM

Doors open

6:00 PM

Event date

Thu, July 10

Minimum age

All ages


Where do we park? arrow down

The municipal parking lot at 73rd Street and Collins Avenue is across the street from the Bandshell. Please note it is no longer free - it is $2/hour! When it is full, look for street parking.

What if it rains? arrow down

The venue is an open air facility, covered by our new canopy. Shows are scheduled rain or shine.

Can we bring a picnic? arrow down

No outside food or drink inside the Bandshell, please. We have a fully-stocked bar, and we usually feature wonderful food vendors inside the venue. We also have a water refill station.

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